Sunday, February 28, 2010

KILU Bhutan Music School's Annual Concert

We are now already three weeks into the new school year (the academic year starts in February and ends in December here) but I hadn't updated you on how wonderfully the year ended at KILU!

On December 12th, we had a fabulous end of the year student concert. All of our students (who were in town) performed piano or sang, and sang collectively in choir. What was remarkable to behold was how well all the children did. Usually in such recitals, you’d at least expect a few train wrecks, some black outs or some real problems, but instead everyone, pretty much without exception performed so well, and did such a fabulous job. They all shined, really!

As for me, it was my first time in such a leadership role for such an event, not only directing things musically, but also logistically, conducting week long rehearsals, trying to keep 70 energetic children and youth focused, excited and motivated. After it all ended, I felt really proud and satisfied with myself and with the work that the entire staff at KILU did together. Combining passion, encouragement, discipline, high expectations and support, I feel good about how hard we worked, and how much we accomplished together. Most of all I was proud of the students. And the result is the great triumph that so many of these students experienced, small successes one by one. Hopefully, they too, inside, feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in how well they did.

Below you will find some photos from rehearsal week and from concert day!!! I don't have photos from the concert itself as I was busy running the show!!! But, thankfully we did have it videotaped, not only for our students and teachers to enjoy, but also for the school's archive.

Our older students listening to a fellow student perform during rehearsal week!

Dechen performing her piece in front of her peers in the larger room at KILU.

Ngawang doing the same...

Here is Tseten...

Anju and Madina practicing their piece, while I accompany them...students listening...

Thinley practicing his piece...

Getting ready for the concert in the Auditorium near our school, at Harmony: Centenary Village at the Department of Youth and Sports Complex. The three keyboards are set up (some songs had three children playing at the same time), and students practicing while Rinchen, Kilu's dedicated school administrator putting up our banner...

Empty auditorium on dress rehearsal day!

Concert day has arrived! Our students all looking fantastic in their Kiras and Ghos. Here our younger student choir is rehearsing one of their songs, with Masayuki (KILU's second teacher) accompanying them in the background.

After the concert, here I am with Ugyen and Dechen Wangmo.

Masayuki and I with several of our students after the concert was over!

That was the excitement at the end of 2009. In January 2010, while students were on holiday from their studies in their regular schools as well as KILU, we had (for the second year now) a special winter program. Three weeks of daily group classes teaching music fundamentals, singing, rhythm, reading and writing proficiency, as well as introduction to piano and recorder. This program is an opportunity for students who cannot attend regular session to get a taste of music studies at KILU. It was wonderful to meet lots of new children and youth and to have the opportunity to introduce music learning into their lives.

Now, three weeks into the new school year, with Masayuki retuning to Japan after two years of volunteer teaching at KILU (with the Japanese organization JICA), we have been joined by Saito, a new Japanese volunteer from JICA! We are busy as usual, with new and returning students and looking forward to another fantastic semester of work together!



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